The new status means that early adopters in the Windows Insider program no longer will see the subsystem’s status as “beta,” beginning with Insider build 16251, Microsoft Senior Program Manager Rich Turner noted in an online post last week.
Linux distros running atop WSL are for interactive user scenarios, Turner said, but not for running production workloads on apache/nginx/MySQL/MongoDB/.
“We are working to make Windows 10 the best development platform to design, develop, test and deploy code for all platforms and devices,” Microsoft said in a statement provided to LinuxInsider by company rep Andrew Lowe.
The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows developers to run Linux environments — including most command line tools, utilities and applications — directly on the Windows OS, unmodified, without the overhead of a virtual machine, the company said.
The WSL engineering team implemented hundreds of fixes and improvements, most of them catalogued in the WSL release notes, Microsoft noted.
The WSL is not a virtual machine — it runs a Windows 10 instance, so developer tools that run in Windows 10 and under Linux can co-exist and share filesystem and other resources at the same time, he told LinuxInsider.
“Microsoft enabled this feature because some popular developer tools are based on libraries that only run under Linux — they haven’t been ported to Windows,” Teich said, adding that this situation is unlikely to change, as developers continuously create new Linux-based tools.
“WSL enables developers to use a wider range of their favorite tools under Win 10 and in peaceful coexistence with Win 10, which will increase their productivity,” he suggested.
From Microsoft’s standpoint, said Teich, the more developers use Windows 10 as their production environment, the more they might consider targeting their apps for Windows 10.